Sulcata Giant Tortoise

The second species of tortoise I own is the African spurred giant tortoise (Centeochelys Sulcata).
Most commonly known as the Sulcata tortoise.

They are native to to the Sahara desert in Africa. They are the third largest species of tortoise in the world. Like all other tortoises their hard shell serves as a defense shield against predators.

What’s interesting about them is that they are expert burrowers. In the wild they may burrow very deep, up to 15m deep and 30 m long to escape the scorching hot sun and to find moisture underneath the ground.

These tortoises are herbivores and their main diet consists of grasses and plants.

An adult Sulcata can grow as long as 80cm in length and weigh almost 100kg.

As a pet, these tortoises are in high demand.

There is a debate saying that a fully grown Sulcata tortoise is like a bulldozer that will wreck anything in it’s path.

(Source: Wikipedia)

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