Kenyan Sand Boa

The Kenya Sand Boa (Gongylophis Colubrinus) is endemic to Northern and Eastern Africa.

Adult females rarely exceed more than 91cm in total length. There are are quite a variety of morphs available of this species. I have a male Axanthic Kenyan Sand Boa given to me from a good friend.

Personally I love the Kenyan Sand Boas as they have heavy built bodies with quite small heads, small eyes and a short tail. Sand Boas mostly hide in shallow burrows with only its head exposed waiting for small mammals to pass by which they strike with lightning fast precision followed by quick constriction of their victim.

In captivity they are not really picky eaters and are quite happy with frozen mice. As a pet, they are easily available and great for beginners as they are small-sized snakes and most of them are usually quite docile and calm.

(Source Wikipedia)

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