Red-eyed Crocodile Skink

Tribolonotus Gracilis, commonly referred to as the Red-Eyed Crocodile skink, is endemic to New Guinea.

They can climb but they prefer to stay on the ground hidden by leaf litters or climb onto low lying branches.

They have big eyes with a red circle encircling them. Due to this and their body resembling that of a crocodile, this is where they get their name from.

Their diet consists mostly of insects. With easy availability, they are very popular to have for an exotic pet keeper.

They are a very fun pet to keep as they will play dead or freeze when they are handled making them very easy to handle due to such extreme docility. Just make sure their enclosure is high in humidity as this is an environmental requirement needed to keep a Red-Eyed Crocodile skink.

(Source Wikipedia)

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