Spinny Tail Iguana

Another species of iguana I own is the Ctenosaura Pectinata, commonly know as the Mexican spiny-tailed Iguana (A.K.A Banana Iguana) obviously originating from Mexico. These Mexican spiny-tailed iguanas have a very distinguish keeled scaled tail. They are excellent climbers and fast moving. Their main defensive mechanism is lashing the tail and biting if they feel cornererd but luckily these iguanas are quite socialized lizards.

My Mexican spiny-tailed iguana is very tame and i believe they are fun lizards to keep. They will usually become yellow in colour as they mature (like a banana). Juveniles consume mostly insects and as they grow in maturity into adults they will transition to consume mostly leaves, flowers and fruit but they will opportunistically eat small animals and eggs. (Source: Wikipedia)

Notes: Like most reptiles, these iguanas need proper basking to keep their blood warm and to get natural Vitamin D from the sun. Proper vitamins and calcium is also needed to ensure they are MBD free. One of the other main concerns of these reptiles is the potential for developing Bladder Stones. If you seek more information on proper care sheets for these reptiles please google for this as there is a lot of useful information out there.

Cool pictures of reptiles.
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