Morph Iguana

I have personally owned a few Iguana Morphs. (Red AlbinoT+, Red Albino T- and Red Hypo).

Thanks to my good friend and mentor (Paulus Wikar) I am able to keep them as pets. They are fun to keep and each morph has different characteristics and personalities.

I’ll further explain as best I can with my limited knowledge. The Red Albino T- has a few unusual contrasting things about it. They have red eyes but they have poor eyesight. The Red Albino T- has bright yellow and orange colours when they are young. Gradually this mutates and changes to an orange color but their colour will gradually decrease to a much more pale orange as they grow older. They are more mellow and non aggressive as they have poor eyesight.

Things that you need to take note of very carefully is the feeding process. As they have poor eyesight sometimes feeding can be a problem. I would suggest not to change their feeding surroundings too much as they tend to memorize their feeding place due to daily routine. (This is just my analysis and I might be wrong).

Other Iguana Morphs I own are the Red Albinon T+. The main difference from Red Aalbino T- is that they have better eyesight (not perfect like a normal green iguana). They have beautiful ruby eyes. Under good lighting u can see the eye of a Red Albino t+ like a ruby gem. Feeding won’t be a problem with this morph as they have better eyesight. Another difference is that they tend to have lighter orange skin colour when they are young and gradually this will mutate to a much more block solid orange as they grow to adulthood. (Total opposite from Red Albino T-). I would say they are they most stunning and beautiful Iguana Morph to own.

The last Iguana Morph I own is the Red Hypo. This morph has a perfect eyesight just like a normal Iguana. They start from lime looking green and gradually become solid dark red as they grow up to be an adult.

To my knowledge Red Hypo has a more aggressive characteristic compared to the other two Iguana Morphs I own because they have perfect eyesight.

The good thing about these Iguana Morphs is that they do not change colour under any kind of weather condition. Unlike normal iguanas that will change to dark colour if they are under hot temperatures.

How do Iguana Morphs retain their colour? It’s simply because Iguana Morphs have a lack of certain colour pigmentions such as black / brown.

Like all other normal iguanas, the male Iguana Morphs are territorial and can be quite aggressive during the mating season.

Proper handling is needed. Like all other normal iguanas, they are vegetarian. Their basic diet consists of various vegetables, fruit and Iguana pellets. A proper balanced diet with selected vitamin and calcium is needed to ensure they will always stay healthy and not develop Metallic Bone Disease (MBD) and also ensure they don’t develop Bladder Stones.

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