Cyclura Rhinoceros Iguana

Personally I love this reptile as they truly look prehistoric. I own a male Rhino Iguana which I named KING.

Rhino Iguana are primarily found in the Caribbean islands. They can grow up to 1.4 meters in length and can weigh up to 10kg. Why are they named rhinocerous Iguana? Simply because they have horn/horns on their snouts that look like a rhinoceros. I own one beautiful male Rhino Iguana that has multihorns (more horns than the normal Rhino Iguana).

The skin colurs of a rhino iguana can range from bluish grey, dark green or brown. Rhino Iguana are heavy-bodied lizards with strong muscular legs and a vertically flattened tail. The males are extremely territorial animals and usually the most dominant male will have the largest territory.

Rhino Iguanas are rock iguanas they tend to usually stay on the lower ground rather than climbing high up on a tree and they can withstand hot weather.

Males usually posses an adipose pad that look like a helmet and big jowls. Their skin is hard and rough which function as a protective armor against sharp rocks or other males. 

Rhino Iguanas are sexually dimorphic which means the males are larger than the females. Though their main diet consists of leaves, fruit and flowers, they are also opportunistic carnivores that will also hunt small lizards, insects and mammals. It is critical to know how to safely handle Rhino Iguanas as great caution is needed. 

Proper handling is needed because most of the males especially are very aggressive creatures during the mating season. A bite from a Rhino Iguana can cause really serious damage. Thanks to inspirational people like Ty Park (Iguanaland) there are more and more Rhino Iguanas out there because of their sucessful breeding programs. (Source: Wikipedia).

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