Cyclura Lewisi Hybrid

I Also own a male Lewisi Hybrid which I named Momo Azhura. He is a very amazing and docile cyclura. Lewisi Hybrid is not a pure Blue Iguana/ Grand Cayman Iguana (Cyclura Lewisi). Basically a Lewisi Hybrid is created as a cross breed between species coming from Cayman Brac, Cuban and Lewisi. A Lewisi Hybrid is either mixed from Cayman Brac and Lewisi, Cuban and Lewisi or a mix of all three species.

( The males are aggressive and very territorial. They are also sexually dimorphic meaning that the males are larger than the females. The Lewisi Hybrid is also a heavy bodied reptile. They have have big muscular legs and heavy flattened tails that serve as a defense mechanism. The male tend to have big jowls and a larger head than the female.

Their diets consist of leaves, vegetables and fruit but like the rhino iguana they are also opportunistic carnivores that will eat insects, small lizards and small mammals. They are very beautiful reptiles to keep and fun but please bear in mind when handling such big reptiles the force and bites they can inflict are not something to be risked especially during the mating season. (Source: Wikipedia)

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