Crested Gecko

Another interesting gecko I keep is the crested gecko (Correlophus Ciliatus) or famously known as the eyelash gecko.

These geckos are native to Southern New Caledonia. The most distinguishing feature with these geckos are the hair-like projections above the eyes that look like eyelashes.

Like a house gecko, they can drop their tail as a deterrent to predators but sadly the tail cannot grow back once its dropped! They consist of lots of morphs with one of the most famous being the White Lily.

Their usual diet consists of insects, fruit, nectars and pollen. I feed them with popular gecko food that is commonly available in the market.

Overall they are fun to keep, (trust me they have the cutest jump) but to own them is not cheap. Certain morphs can cost a lot of money. (Source: Wikipedia)