
They are a few types of geckos that I own. They consist of Leachie Giant Gecko, Crested Gecko, Leopard Gecko and the African Fat Tail Gecko.

They are loveable, very interesting and easy to keep.

Notes: All geckos are noctural animals. Its is important and highy recommended to feed them gutloaded and dusted calcium insects to ensure they stay free of MBD.

Leachie Giant Gecko

Rhacodactylus Leachianus: also commonly known as the New Caledonian giant gecko or just Leachie, are native to the main island of New Caledonia.

Reaching a total of 36cm in length (including tail).


Crested Gecko

Another interesting gecko I keep is the crested gecko (Correlophus Ciliatus) or famously known as the eyelash gecko.

Leopard Gecko

One of the most popular geckos we see is the exotic Leopard gecko (Eublepharis Macularius).

They are ground dwelling lizards native to rocky dry grassland in the desert regions of Afganistan, Pakistan, North-west India, mid-western Nepal and Iran.


African Fat Tail Gecko

The African Fat Tail gecko (Hemitheconyx Caudicinctus) is commonly known as AFT. They are similar to their distant cousin the Leopard gecko yet they differ significantly.

Cool pictures of reptiles.
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