Bearded Dragons

The Pagona, also commonly known as the Bearded dragon, is a genus of reptiles containing eight lizard species.

Bearded dragons are often kept as pets as they resemble dragons in a mini body. They got their name “bearded” because of the underside of their throat which will turn black when they are stressed or for various other reasons.

Males are highy territorial and head-bobbing is a common display to show dominance between dragons.

Adult males can grow to 60cm in length and females to around 50cm. Bearded dragons also produce a mild venom which is basically harmless towards humans but effective on small-sized reptiles.

Their diet consists of various insects. In captivity, they usually have a lifespan of 12-14 years.

They are one of the most common exotic pets to keep and are fairly easy to maintain, but common health issues such as MBD, adenovirus, impaction, polarisation and parasites also need to be taken into extra consideration.

For now I am fairly happy to own a beautiful female Trans Hypo Paradox Bearded dragon which I named Phoenix.

(Source Wikipedia)

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