Pac-Man frog

Ceratophrys, also known as the South American horned frog, due their round body and large mouth, resemble the popular video game Pac-man thus that’s how they got their nickname.

There are lots of species of Pac-man frog. I own Ornate, fantasy and crainwell species. They come in differnt colours and patterns. Their gender usually can be determined at a certain size. The male has black markings on their thumbs and tend to make more “croaking” sounds than the females. The female of these frog species will outgrow the male.

They are very easy to keep with proper caring techniques which can easly be accessed through the internet. Make sure they always have access to a clean shallow bowl of water. The water should be frequently changed to ensure they are bacteria and infection free. They love to burrow themselves into loose and moist substrate.

These frogs are known for their huge mouth and sticky tongue. They will just sit and wait for their prey to be near their mouth and then strike them. They are known for their enormous appetite and cannibalism! Basically they will eat anything. Their diets consist of fish, small frogs, insects, mice and special food designed specifically for them.

Its very common that sometimes they tend to eat prey that are larger than them which results in them choking to death! So it is important to never house horned frogs together other than for breeding purposes as they will cannibalised each other even when they are tadpoles.

Overall these frogs are beautiful, fun and easy to keep. In captivity they breed and usually have a lifespan of 3-4 years but this depends on their diet and care. If that’s good they can live even longer. (Source: Wikipedia)

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