Dumpy Frog

Tree frogs or Dumpy frogs have become a popular pet amongst exotic pet owners. I myself keep several tree frogs. I love to decorate their enclosures.

They got their name dumpy due to owners keeping methods that often resulted in too much feeding and this negatively combined with their small face resulting in them growing fat in certain areas and as a result made them look “dumpy”.

These frogs are native to New Guinea and to the Northern & Eastern regions of Australia. Under proper care and handling they have an average lifespan of about 15-16 years. They are really suited to live near human dwellings as they are often seen and found on windows or even inside human houses.

They have a very unusual defense mechanism which is to scream when they are in danger.

The size of the females of these frogs are slightly larger than the male. Their diet mainly consists of insects. Unlike Pac-man frogs or Pixie frogs you can keep them in a colony. Overall they are easy and exoctically beautiful pets to own. (Source: Wikipedia)

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