African Bullfrog

The last species of amphibian I own is the African Bullfrog (Pyxicephalus adspersus) or pixie frog. As you can guess from the name, these frogs are native to Africa. With males weighing up to 1.5kg and able to reach sizes of up to 25cm (snout-vent) in length, It is the second largest frog in Africa. Second to the Goliath frog.

Usually the females are half the size of the male. These frogs don’t like to be handled a lot as they will make loud croaking sound when stressed or handled. When handling these frogs you need to be extra careful as they have sharp teeth and are more than willing to bite humans when provoked or touched.

They are voracious carnivours eating insects, small rodents, small birds and other amphibians.

The African Bullfrog has become popular among exotic pets in many countries around the world despite not being as colouful as their exotic rivals the Pac-man Frogs. (Source: Wikipedia)

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